take priority of和over的区别 take priority over是什么意思?

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take priority over是什么意思?

priority over是什么意思?

  take priority over  优先考虑  双语例句  
1   insist that the right to live should take priority over all other considerations.  他们坚持认为,生存权利应放在其他一切考虑因素之上。  
2  If environmental considerations are uppermost, then energy efficiency measures must takepriority over profitability.  如果环境因素是特别重要的,那么能源效益措施必须优先于赢利。


形近词 premise,意思是前提,提论,预述,假定,例如:
1.His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.他的推理是以人可以为善亦可以为恶为前提的。
2.I disagree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment.我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境保护这个前提。

look into有哪些相同的词语?

look after照顾,照料look about四下环视,四处寻找look for寻找,
寻求look into向里面看去,窥视,调查look on旁观,观看,看待look like看起来像look out for当心,
警戒,预防look out朝外看,留神,提防look over查看,检查look through看穿,仔细查看,阅览look back回头看,回顾look at看,
注视,look round环顾,观光,游览look up查询,向上方看look well看起来健康look ahead向前看,
展望未来look down upon看不起,轻视
look forward to盼望,期待look up to尊敬,敬仰look down向下