friendly letter范文 关于negotiation的英语作文?

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friendly letter范文



A Negotiation with the Head-teacher of My Class This negotiation was beginning with an argument between my head-teacher and me. This event was happened before some days of the sports meeting. According to my high school, there usually has an entry which made up of 40 gays from each class.
At that time, it is such short time that I come to the new class, but the heat-teacher was friendly to me. That to say the relationship between us is not only teacher and student but friends. One day he arranged it begin class and selected students to take part in the entry. Beyond my thought, he has selected me. Before that in my opinion I was not the man who was been selected because I join the class so short and I was not ready for it really.
I was a little angry at that time. I do not like anyone to force me to do something that I do not want to do. I expressed myself at once and wanted to change his idea. It seems that he has no patient about it and rejected my quest.

英语书信作文落款,your sincerely后面加逗号吗?

英国习惯用 Yours sincerely, 美国习惯用 Sincerely yours, 还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。 ‘Yours sincerely is the standard and polite way of ending a letter. The words mean very little. Sincerely yours sounds warmer, more friendly, more personal. You use it when writing to a friend. 总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式) 一个比较 informal。 建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely. 希望解释对你有帮助——