waterfox汉化官方最新版 山羊的故事英语版

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The Fox and the Goat
  A thirsty Fox looks for water.
  It#39s so hot today. And I#39m so thirsty. There#39s no water anywhere.
  The Fox keeps looking. Far away, he sees something.
  Wait ! What#39s that? I think it#39s a well. I#39m saved! There must be water there.
  The Fox runs towards the well. He is very happy.
  I was right. There#39s lots of water here. It looks so cold and delicious. But how can I get the water? The well looks very deep. Oh, what shall1 I do ?
  The Fox thinks and thinks.
  I can#39t stand it anymore. I#39m too thirsty. I#39ll just jump in. Here I go! (splash2)
  The Fox jumps into the well.
  It is so cool in here. The water tastes so fresh and cold. I can drink it all day. But wait a minute. This well is deeper than I thought. My paws3 can#39t reach the top. Oh my ! Now I#39m im big trouble. How can I get out? There#39s no one nearly. There#39s no one to help me. What have I done! Boo – hoo.
  The Fox is very scared. He can#39t think of a way to get out of the well. He cries all morning. Then he hears a familiar4 voice from far away. Suddenly, he has a good idea.
  I#39m thirsty and hot. Where is the water? I need a drink right now. The Goat5 sees the same well.He walks towards the well. Ahha! There#39s a well, I found some water! I can have a drink there. Thank goodness6!
  The Goat gets closer to the well. He hears a familiar voice.
  How are you today, Goat?
  What was that? Who said that? I don#39t see anyone around. Where did the voice come from?
  The Goat keeps looking around. But can#39t find anyone. This is strange. I hear a voice , but there#39s no one around.
  I#39m here , Goat , I#39m inside the well.
  Inside the well? Whose voice was that? The Goat looks into the well. Oh my goodness, Fox! What are you doing down there?
  I was thirsty. So I came down here for a drink.
  How is the water? Is it fresh and cold?
  Of course. The water down here is fantastic. It#39s the best water I#39ve ever tasted. And I#39m enjoying it all by myself.
  Well, um, I#39m thirsty, too. Can I come down and join you? I just need one drink.
  Well, let me think about it. The Fox pretends7 to thinking8 about something.
  Come on, Fox, I#39m your friend. Let me come down.
  Well, all right, Just this once. I didn#39t want to share the water with anyone. But since you are my friend, I#39ll let you come down.
  Thanks a lot, Fox. You are too generous9, I#39m coming down now.
  The Goat also jumps into the well and makes a big splash.
  Welcome, Goat, Try the water, How is it?
  Mmm… it is delicious. This is the best water in the world. Thank you for sharing it with me.
  It#39s nothing. I#39m just glad you like it. But don#39t you think it#39s too crowded in here? It was fine when I was alone. Now it#39s too small.
  I#39m sorry, shall I get out now?
  No, it#39s okay. I#39ve had enough water for today. I#39ll be leaving now. You can drink some more.
  Thank you, Fox, You are too kind.
  Keep drinking. I#39m just jump on your back and climb out now.
  The Fox steps on the Goat#39s back and swiftly10 gets out of the well.
  Thank goodness, I#39m out.
  (echoing voice from the well) Are you there, Fox? I#39m finished drinking. I want to get out now. Help me up. please.
  I#39m sorry, Goat, I can#39t help you. If I do. I might fall in again.
  Please help me out, I#39m not thirsty anymore. And it#39s getting dark in here.
  That#39s too hard, Goat. You should have thought of a way out before. Next time, think before you act, okay? I#39m busy ,I must be going.
  Do#39t leave me here alone, Fox. I#39m afraid, How can I get out by myself?
  Trick another foolish11 animal like yourself. Good luck, Good-bye.
  MORAL12: Think carefull before you act.


歌词:ABCDEFG、HIGKLMN、OPQ、RST、UVW、XYZ、XYZ、now you see,I can say my ABC。
改编自我们熟知的童谣《一闪一闪小星星》,前面的当然是跟中文的字母歌是一样唱的是些字母,后面的now you see, I can say my ABC是说:现在你看,我能说我的ABC。