come with什么意思中文翻译 Come up with 与 run out of有什么区别?

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Come up with 与 run out of有什么区别?

up with 与 run out of有什么区别?

这两个短语的意思完全不同。Come up with的意思是提出或者想出,举例句说明:Keep your eyes on these jokers,you never know what they will come up with(盯住这些搞事的家伙,你永远不知道他们会提出什么);run out of的意思是用完,耗尽,举例句We have nearly run out of you think there is enough for today.(我们已经几乎用完纸。你认为今天够了吗?)

come on with me now什么意思?

英文里come on的翻译有太多种了,我这么长时间的经验来理解的话,简单说就是表示一种鼓励,推动的意思,比如一个父亲对自己马上要上场比赛的孩子说,come on!you can do this!就是一种鼓励,来吧,你能行的!换个意思,例如在跳蚤市场,顾客对摊主说,come on, give me a better price!翻译的话,就是:来嘛,便宜点呗
你的问题里还有with me now,那就是更倾向于鼓励的意思,也要对照前后语境,大致可以说是:兄弟们,跟我上!

come across with是什么意思?

come across with
I come across with you 与你相逢
Come across with a sum of money 提供一笔钱
Come across with a piece of information 提供一则消息
They worked him over because he hadnt come across with the information.
The zealots, bigots and creeps on both sides come across with equal clarity.