an interesting job同义词 what an感叹句?

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what an感叹句?


英语中感叹句的结构有两种:How 形容词 主语 谓语和What a/an 形容词 名词 主语 谓语。
其中第一种结构用得比较随意,如:How tall !(好高!),How beautiful !(好美!)说起来比较朗朗上口。What a/an…结构还要考虑a和an的用法,还要考虑名词是可数名词还是不可数名词或者是可数名词的复数形式来确定要不要把a/an去掉,比较复杂。


My father is a farmer, my mother is a farmer too. This is not an easy and interesting job. They work hard every day, They get up go home very work hard, but only get little money


My father is a farmer, my mother is a farmer too. This is not an easy and interesting job. They work hard every day, They get up go home very work hard, but only get little are farmers,but I love them very much.本人能力有限,只能写这么多词


这个句子he has an intetesting job的意思是他有一份有意思的工作,它所对应的的感叹句有两种情况,一种是what做为引导词引导的感叹句,what an interesting job he has,此句强调的是名词what.另一种形式是how 引导的感叹句,how interesting an job he has, 强调的是形容词interesting.


My father is a farmer, my mother is a farmer too. This is not an easy and interesting job. They work hard every day, They get up go home very work hard, but only get little are farmers,but I love them very much.本人能力有限,只能写这么多词